UX fundamentals for Web 3.0 Apps part 1

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Web3 UX design focuses on creating user experiences for non-technical users interacting with decentralized applications (dApps) built on blockchain technology.

Users lacking a background in blockchain technology can easily become perplexed by the intricate terminology commonly associated with it, such as "swap," "gas," "consensus mechanism," "private key," and more. Hence, elucidating concepts that may seem intuitive to product designers and developers poses a significant challenge in Web3 design.

Building a highly informative design is the key, but it can easily end up as a slippery slope with informational overload for a new user.

This concise guide provides essential insights into crafting effective user experiences for Web3 projects. It covers key principles such as guidance, consistency, transparency addressing the unique challenges posed by decentralized technologies. 

Interactive learning and guidance

Active Guidance is a pivotal principle in Web3 User Experience design, emphasizing the provision of clear and thorough instructions to aid users in navigating the technology.

To ensure users feel comfortable during onboarding and beyond, adopt an educational approach to Web3 design patterns. Treat users as learners with the goal of enhancing their understanding of blockchain technology.

To achieve this goal:

Simplify the use of blockchain terminology within the UI.

Provide definitions for technical terms via tooltips or question marks.

Develop a comprehensive onboarding tour for new users, supplemented with in-app guidance and alerts.

Embed educational resources such as tutorials and how-to guides directly within the application.

Offer users access to transaction records associated with an address. 

Enable them to search, remove, export, or share these records. 

Clearly indicate irreversible actions and introduce friction to encourage users to proceed with caution. 

Additionally, provide clear alerts when actions incur costs or involve the transfer of value.



By following consistent design patterns, users can quickly familiarize themselves with different sections or features of a Web3 platform.

To achieve this goal:

Define clear design guidelines that encompass visual elements such as color schemes, typography, iconography, and spacing.

Create a component library or design system that houses reusable UI elements, such as buttons, forms, and navigation bars. Standardize these components to maintain consistency across different parts of your platform.

Establish consistent interaction patterns for common user actions, such as navigating between screens, submitting forms, or confirming transactions.

Test your platform thoroughly on different devices to identify and address any inconsistencies in layout or functionality.

Ensure your platform is accessible to users with disabilities by following accessibility standards and guidelines, such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).



Designing interfaces with clear and transparent data practices is not just a best practice; it's a fundamental necessity for building trust between users and platforms.

To achieve this goal:

Provide a comprehensive breakdown of all associated fees, including gas fees and any additional charges.

Keep users informed about the status of their transactions, providing real-time updates on each step of the process.

Include estimated waiting times to manage user expectations and alleviate any uncertainties during transaction processing.

Ensure that privacy settings are prominently displayed and easily accessible within the platform.

Be transparent about any changes or updates to the platform's data practices and seek input from users on these changes.


Excel in Your Web3 Product Design with Solv3

As Web3 continues to evolve, it encounters significant hurdles, including a lack of trust and a steep learning curve. To address these challenges in your product, prioritizing UI/UX design is paramount. Utilize it to establish trust and ensure accessibility for newcomers.

Though it may appear straightforward in theory, Web3 UI/UX design demands extensive effort and expertise to execute effectively. If you're seeking assistance, don't hesitate to connect with us. We're here to help you navigate through the complexities and elevate your Web3 product experience.

Familiar with the complexities of Web3 design, we've honed our skills in developing intuitive, educational, and transparent UI/UX for various Web3 products. Our comprehensive UI/UX design services cover every stage, from discovery and UX design to UI design and ongoing support. Rest assured, we'll be with you every step of the way.

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